Available Functions

Functions can be used in three ways: as a field, a value or a whole expression.

Date functions

Default date functions

django_nlf.functions.dates.start_of_month(*args, **kwargs)

Determines the first day of the current month. Time is set to 00:00:00.


A datetime object set to 00:00 on the first day of the current month.

Return type


django_nlf.functions.dates.start_of_week(*args, **kwargs)

Determines the first day of the the current week based on l10n settings. Time is set to 00:00:00.


A datetime object set to 00:00 on the first day of the current week.

Return type


django_nlf.functions.dates.start_of_year(*args, **kwargs)

Determines the first day of the current year. Time is set to 00:00:00.


A datetime object set to 00:00 on the first day of the current year.

Return type
