
Here is a list of all available settings of django-nlf and their default values. All settings are prefixed with NLF_.


Default: "EMPTY"

The string that is translated to a lookup with the NULL database value.


Default: ("0", "f")

Used in boolean coercion to determine the boolean value of a string. If the first character of the value coerced to boolean matches any listed character, the value is considered False, otherwise True.


Default: None

A function or an import path to a function that applies a conversion to the field name. Can be used to automatically convert between cases, e.g. camelCase to snake_case.

One such converter function is readily available as django_nlf.utils.camel_to_snake_case.


Default: {}

A simple mapping of models and field name shortcuts to full field path. The key must be a model identifier in a form of app.Model and its value is mapping of shortcut to full path. The special key __all__ applies to all models, and has a lower precedence. For example if you would like to identify you users by their username in the language for your model Article, and you have an author field on your model (pointing to the Primary Key of the users), you can do the following:

    "blog.Article": {"author": "author.username"},  # Do this for shortcuts for a specific model
    "__all__": {}                                   # Do this for generic shortcuts, applicable to all models


Default: "."

The character that separates path elements for fields. Used when applying filter following Foreign Key or Many-to-Many relations.


Default: "q"

This applies to the Django RESTFramework Backend. This parameter is used for extracting the filter expression from the GET query parameters.